San Lorenzo, Ecuador


Well-known member
This is where my son in law ( @Jesse Fernandes ), daughter ( @JessicaEcuador ) and grandchildren are church planting in the summer of 2024. My wife and I will be visiting there the last week of February, 2024. There is a possibility we will be moving there as well and I will be responsible for leading home groups and Mens discipleship. Your prayers are much appreciated.

Lots of syncretism in South America because of Famous esau philosopher Dussel, who wrote books on liberation theology and who still is or was a prof in Mexico. Maybe by now emeritus. Met him once at my college and asked him a bunch of questions, since I was sitting next to him at the lunch. To my questions he openly admitted the syncretisms, finding it all wonderful. He has a strange judaism mixed in with those syncretisms as well. A bigger snake one could never meet... Anyway... that philosophy he is tasked to spread in South America is sponsored by the Catholic church, and that is why they brought Dussel to the catholic university where I was, sponsoring his visit, and treating him like a celebrity, so that the professors and students there would all get hip to the Dussel jive. So, what you have in south america, is a remapping of terms so that they include pagan native deities, together with a second layer of remapping to include the communist theology within that. It is not uncommon there to hear a person say very nice christian sounding things and they will be referring to the native gods and theology.
This is where my son in law, daughter and grandchildren are church planting in the summer of 2024. My wife and I will be visiting there the last week of February, 2024. There is a possibility we will be moving there as well and I will be responsible for leading home groups and Mens discipleship. Your prayers are much appreciated.

Sounds exciting and looks like a wonderful place.

What is the spiritual map of San Lorenzo, and Ecuador in general? Pentecostalism has been making solid inroads into most South American countries. I guess Ecuador is a mixture of Catholicism and Indigenous beliefs? In light of that, what outreach approach will all of you take?
Sounds exciting and looks like a wonderful place.

What is the spiritual map of San Lorenzo, and Ecuador in general? Pentecostalism has been making solid inroads into most South American countries. I guess Ecuador is a mixture of Catholicism and Indigenous beliefs? In light of that, what outreach approach will all of you take?
The town in Catholic for sure
@civic Missions. The ages old answer to the first murder that took place.....

Gen 4:9 Then the LORD said to Cain, “Where is Abel your brother?” He said, “I do not know; am I my brother's keeper?”

The answer is.... YES.

Faith to faith. Man to man. Women to women. Family to family. The call of the Gospel.

God Bless you brother.
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This is where my son in law, daughter and grandchildren are church planting in the summer of 2024. My wife and I will be visiting there the last week of February, 2024. There is a possibility we will be moving there as well and I will be responsible for leading home groups and Mens discipleship. Your prayers are much appreciated.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but this is something you and your family should be aware of, if you're not already:

Update it looks like they will be moving there in August. They are in the fundraising process now. My wife is planning to go and spend the first month with them when they go to help out.

This tells you about my Son in law and daughter.

Update it look like they will be moving there in August. They are in the fundraising process now. My wife is planning to go and spend the first month with them when they go to help out.

This tells you about my Son in law and daughter.

May the mission be filled with God's blessings.

I'm just curious how the mission handles Catholic practices such as infant baptisms, Virgin Mary beliefs, images/icons, Church practices, etc..., as those topics are bound to come up in that Catholic country.
This is where my son in law, daughter and grandchildren are church planting in the summer of 2024. My wife and I will be visiting there the last week of February, 2024. There is a possibility we will be moving there as well and I will be responsible for leading home groups and Mens discipleship. Your prayers are much appreciated.

How is your Spanish coming along?
This is where my son in law, daughter and grandchildren are church planting in the summer of 2024. My wife and I will be visiting there the last week of February, 2024. There is a possibility we will be moving there as well and I will be responsible for leading home groups and Mens discipleship. Your prayers are much appreciated.

So how did your mission trip go?

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