Orange Color for Names


Well-known member
Hi Administrator and Civic

I think the site is really nicely set-up....

I do wish two things might be changed:

1. The names of the posters are in's hard to read the names so as to become
acquainted with the members. They couldn't be in black??

2.Could the script be just A LITTLE bigger than it is now?
(I mean, for instance, the body of a post...or even the words underneath the threads....
which would be the beginning of the OP.

Are YOU going to heaven? A popular advertisement by a televangelist who says you can know today.


But that is not what I want to start a conversation on. Most of us here... right or wrong...

The above is the first line which is just too small.
(here it appears to be the same size).

Just a couple of thoughts....
Hi Administrator and Civic

I think the site is really nicely set-up....

I do wish two things might be changed:

1. The names of the posters are in's hard to read the names so as to become
acquainted with the members. They couldn't be in black??

2.Could the script be just A LITTLE bigger than it is now?
(I mean, for instance, the body of a post...or even the words underneath the threads....
which would be the beginning of the OP.

Are YOU going to heaven? A popular advertisement by a televangelist who says you can know today.


But that is not what I want to start a conversation on. Most of us here... right or wrong...

The above is the first line which is just too small.
(here it appears to be the same size).

Just a couple of thoughts....
I'll look into it. you can change the font size.

as for the orange that shows it a reply.

All caps like the title of your Thread is a no no. fixed it
I don't see any orange on my iphone or macbook. I see your orange above but that was intentional on your part lol.

"Administrator Said" and the UP ARROW are in orange on my computer screen.

Administrator said: <-------- it looks like this
Civic ditto

Are you saying I can change the color??

I'll see if I can figure out how to change the font size....
you change the color of text... not posters name in the reply
I'm not discussing the text.
I know how to change the color of text.

I'm speaking about the name of the member that appears at the top of each post.
It's in an orange color and is difficult to read.
I think this cannot be changed.

Also, I looked around and can't find a way to change the size of the print...
I think that this also would have to be in the source code...

I THINK I can only change MY text size....
I'm not discussing the text.
I know how to change the color of text.

I'm speaking about the name of the member that appears at the top of each post.
It's in an orange color and is difficult to read.
I think this cannot be changed.

Also, I looked around and can't find a way to change the size of the print...
I think that this also would have to be in the source code...

I THINK I can only change MY text size....
oh yes I see they are orange along with the orange line on the left side of the quoted post.

I just looked on 3 other forums that use the same software as we do ( ) and they all have the ORANGE just like we do. It must be their default color with the software. I'm not sure it can be changed but our @Administrator would know.

Update- I just went to the software's website and its the exact same as ours- ORANGE
oh yes I see they are orange along with the orange line on the left side of the quoted post.

I just looked on 3 other forums that use the same software as we do ( ) and they all have the ORANGE just like we do. It must be their default color with the software. I'm not sure it can be changed but our @Administrator would know.

Update- I just went to the software's website and its the exact same as ours- ORANGE
Right! That's what I'm talking about.

Civic....on the Board they made it blue.
If I remember right on CFnet it was black.
They use Xenforo also.

I do believe this could be changed, but that's up to you and Administrator, of course.

I just like to get to know the members and the orange is a bit difficult to see.
Maybe it's only me....

Also, how to change the font size?
Is in the the BB code??
Right! That's what I'm talking about.

Civic....on the Board they made it blue.
If I remember right on CFnet it was black.
They use Xenforo also.

I do believe this could be changed, but that's up to you and Administrator, of course.

I just like to get to know the members and the orange is a bit difficult to see.
Maybe it's only me....

Also, how to change the font size?
Is in the the BB code??
I think a contrasting color is good, maybe just not orange. Lets see what our @Administrator comes up with. Maybe dark green to go with our color theme here.
And our members feedback is important. I called @Administrator on the phone and we were not sure it could be changed. But since @GodsGrace had seen different colors on other forums I knew it was a possibility. So I went through every possible subset of ways to change schemes/colors and stumbled upon the section and found it by accident lol. Or maybe it was a divine leading/guiding me. :)

I'm definitely not the tech guy here its our @Administrator :)
And our members feedback is important. I called @Administrator o the phone and we were not sure it could be changed. But since @GodsGrace had seen different colors on other forums I knew it was a possibility. So I went through every possible subset of ways to change schemes/colors and stumbled upon the section and found it by accident lol. Or maybe it was a divine leading/guiding me. :)

I'm definitely not the tech guy here its our @Administrator :)
Looks good I like it.;)
And the ORANGE/BLACK BAM stands out . :). on the forum start page.
I have found this to highlight bible verses @civic

If you're posting on a Christian forum and want Bible verses to be highlighted when hovered over, the best solution is Reftagger by Logos. This tool automatically detects Bible references in your posts and shows a hover-over popup with the verse text.

How to Use Reftagger for Forums
Option 1: If the Forum Supports Custom Scripts (For Admins)
If you run the forum or have admin access, add the following script to the forum’s HTML header or footer:

<script src=""></script>
This will automatically highlight and create hover-over effects for Bible verses.

Can this work on this forum?

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var refTagger = {
settings: {
bibleVersion: 'ESV'

(function(d, t) {
var n=d.querySelector('[nonce]');
refTagger.settings.nonce = n && (n.nonce||n.getAttribute('nonce'));
var g = d.createElement(t), s = d.getElementsByTagName(t)[0];
g.src = '';
g.nonce = refTagger.settings.nonce;
s.parentNode.insertBefore(g, s);
}(document, 'script'));
</script>John 1.1
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