Please help us improve the Forum by letting us know what you would like to see on it and what you would like to discuss.
That sounds good something like this:Sure. I don't know how to phrase this for I don't know exactly what I mean but just a feeling it would be good to see more practical information on the just how to apply the word of God. We see many threads on let's say God's system or his makeup and structure of what he is but some threads on how to actually walk in victory, applying ones faith, exhortations on how to remain steadfast, how to remain encouraged and not to be discouraged. Teaching on say the precious blood of Jesus and what it means that they overcame the devil by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony. I mean how can one get hold of God in very real sense or how to get him active in ones life.
We will fix that. Hard to believe we missed that one.There is no category for God's attributes.
We can make a forum under theology.There is no category for God's attributes.
Agreed we will work on that this weekend.Sure. I don't know how to phrase this for I don't know exactly what I mean but just a feeling it would be good to see more practical information on the just how to apply the word of God. We see many threads on let's say God's system or his makeup and structure of what he is but some threads on how to actually walk in victory, applying ones faith, exhortations on how to remain steadfast, how to remain encouraged and not to be discouraged. Teaching on say the precious blood of Jesus and what it means that they overcame the devil by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony. I mean how can one get hold of God in very real sense or how to get him active in ones life.
So this is a little frustrating. I spent quite awhile on a fairly detailed response in Eschatology a few days back, explaining to CIVIC I believe it was, why, when the devil is released for a short time, that that didn't "throw off" my interpretation. Then the next day or so, my response is no where to be seen.??
Then today in the same forum, a guy had responded to one of my posts. When I hit "Post Reply" to respond again, only his response to me showed up and my original post was gone, so I'm left with having to guess or remember what I last said, if I want to respond again.
Yes, that's it. Thank you Dizerner! I was having trouble finding it. Thanks also for your suggestion to open two tabs or to copy and paste! I'll try those.Is this it?
Try opening two tabs of the same page, then you can reference back.
Or copy and paste into a word processor, that is even easier.