Matthew 5:39 Why did Jesus say to turn the other cheek?


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Jews as a rule lived under the Law of Moses. They were at that time the most civilized people who were surrounded by a pagan world.
Jews did not go around slapping other Jews down. No more than we see people going around slapping down fellow citizens.

But, erroneous traditional thinking has been used too many times to try to turn Christians into pacifists,
when Jesus was dealing with a specific problem. One that Israel was facing while under Roman occupation.
"But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek,
turn to them the other cheek also. " (Matthew 5:39)​

The Roman military as a norm were brutal people. They could easily abuse those whom showed resistance to their authority.

The Jews were a people who generally believed in God. And, the Jews despised the unclean "goyim" army ruling over their lives.
[goyim = "a derogatory Jewish term for gentiles."]

The Roman soldiers did not take well to the pride that some Jews displayed in their presence.
If a soldier felt that a Jew was being a little too proud in their presence? That soldier could resort to slapping that Jew down.

And, even if a Jew were not behaving too proud? A Roman soldier could just slap a Jew down out of their own conceited arrogance.

What Jesus was doing? Was teaching Jews how to survive while under the Roman occupation. It was to minimize any further harm to themselves.
For if a proud Jew resisted a Roman soldier after being slapped down? Worse harm could come that Jew's way.

The' turn your other cheek' command that was given at that time as a means to better survive the Roman occupation in their land.

I felt that I really know so little when I was shown that ....

Well stated here...

grace and peace ...................
Jews as a rule lived under the Law of Moses. They were at that time the most civilized people who were surrounded by a pagan world.
Jews did not go around slapping other Jews down. No more than we see people going around slapping down fellow citizens.

But, erroneous traditional thinking has been used too many times to try to turn Christians into pacifists,
when Jesus was dealing with a specific problem. One that Israel was facing while under Roman occupation.
"But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek,
turn to them the other cheek also. " (Matthew 5:39)​

The Roman military as a norm were brutal people. They could easily abuse those whom showed resistance to their authority.

The Jews were a people who generally believed in God. And, the Jews despised the unclean "goyim" army ruling over their lives.
[goyim = "a derogatory Jewish term for gentiles."]

The Roman soldiers did not take well to the pride that some Jews displayed in their presence.
If a soldier felt that a Jew was being a little too proud in their presence? That soldier could resort to slapping that Jew down.

And, even if a Jew were not behaving too proud? A Roman soldier could just slap a Jew down out of their own conceited arrogance.

What Jesus was doing? Was teaching Jews how to survive while under the Roman occupation. It was to minimize any further harm to themselves.
For if a proud Jew resisted a Roman soldier after being slapped down? Worse harm could come that Jew's way.

The' turn your other cheek' command that was given at that time as a means to better survive the Roman occupation in their land.

I felt that I really know so little when I was shown that ....

Well stated here...

grace and peace ...................
My daughter-in-law was asking about this very thing the other day at lunch. I have sent her the link in your thread. I did explain briefly what you have said in your post but you have said it here far better than I did. Thanks. :)
It's the spirit of not wanting revenge, and being willing to suffer to show love, not just letting people take advantage of you.

Letting people run over you like a welcome mat hurts those people as it encourages their bad behavior.
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