Mahalo from Hawaii


I hear that you're getting hit by a big storm on the mainland. We're still getting hit by smaller ones, nothing major at the moment. I'm praying for you guys in Southern California. I live in Hilo, I think it's the most beautiful part of the big island.
Thank you. I see you like deep sea fishing. The North Shore of Oahu is home some of the best offshore fishing In the islands. These are my favorites, Yellowfin Tunas, Blue Marlins, Stripped Marlins.
My brother was in San Diego last weekend and was at my house last night and we are fresh bluefin tuna 🍣 and yellowtail. Made poky bowls and sashimi :)
Thank you. It took me a minute to figure that out. The part
To whom much is given, much is expected.
Luke 12:48

That's like your Scripture Motto, cool.
Yes. The signature is not as offset from the text as other forums. I'll try to add a carriage return to my signature for more separation. Thanks!
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