Knowing God through knowing nature


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Nature teaches. In the Scripture, Paul appealed to nature as evidence to the church at Corinth.He mentions how nature teaches us that men having hair like women shames the man.

This isn't the only example of how nature teaches us. There are actually so many examples of this that no man has the resources to reference them all.

I'd like start sharing a few. I will start with how animals teach us. Briefly. Think about how David learned about Messiah in Christ by tending sheep.

Relative to God's design. We know from the Scriptures how God gave animals to be a "help meet" to humanity.

Gen 2:20 And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.

God knew what He was doing. He wasn't just trying see what would work. God wasn't failing. Adam wasn't finding what he wanted. (Talk about freewill)....
Nevertheless, animals help us naturally to understand ourselves. God has subjected the entirety of creation together in hope of the salvation of humanity.
I know many of you have pets at home. One of the pleasures of man's existence is the pleasures in experiences associated with OWNING pets. Those that have pets, know that their pet has it's own personality. If you have multiple pets, you know how hard it can be to get them to tolerate one another. Sometimes it is a pleasure, sometimes it is a very real pain.

Raising pets is a lessen in recognizing the reflection of our own humanity. I could go on but I believe you understand what I'm referencing if you own pets. Think "now we see through a dark mirror" as Paul referenced to Corinth. A mirror where we can just barely see ourselves for what we are.

Magnify that a few times and you get an understanding of how having children teaches us about ourselves.

There are so many witnesses of our own nature to be found and experience in this life we live around us. We get the pleasures and pains of being like God in this world through ruling what God has given us to rule. That creation reflects our own circumstances and teaches us what God feels and experiences with having to deal with a freewill creation that doesn't want to be anything much but free!
Nature reflexes and teaches the Trinity.

Think.... Periodic table. Oxygen. Three elements. Then think about the individuals elements that make up the three elements of Oxygen.

Think the three most abundant elements in the Universe.
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