Imperiling Prerogatives


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The opposition (self, Satan, society) has a right to attempt to “trouble” you, because God allows it so He can show us that He uses it for our “good.” Thus strengthening our faith. The issue here is how quick your resolution solves, and this is up to the believer! There is no reason to allow what we see as negative to trouble us. I heard James D Kennedy say one time that there is a two-step rule to trouble (“Be anxious for nothing” - Phl 4:6): don’t sweat the little stuff, and everything is little stuff! The negatives are there to strengthen the positives in Christ and this answers to how God works everything out for our good (Ro 8:28 - no doubt that this is a favorite passage).

The continuous testing of our faith is not on a pass-or-fail basis but is a means which God maintains for an ongoing faith-strengthening, which will always occur after a trial, regardless the degree of the hardness endured. Thus it is through our trials that we learn the most about trusting God to cause everything to benefit us—no matter what occurs.

Even the smallest negative can become a boulder in the way if we are not sensitive in this way to our testing. We just have to remember that they are never negative enough to trouble us, since we know it will be used for encouragement; and it’s very important that we learn to endure all our trials “patiently” (Rom 12:12), for when we do we glorify God the most and exercise faith more in trusting Him for all things. Remember, the Lord Jesus said, “Let not your heart be troubled” (Jn 14:1, 27), and there is a vast difference between just being a problem and being troubled. Trouble means we have yet to learn this most vital lesson concerning our hardness.

One can live without allowing anything to become troublesome. Of course until we learn this you will still eventually restore you, but it will take little more time; and our opportunity to glorify the Father in it will lack that magnificence which would be present.

May our days ever find us glorifying God more all the time, through the Lord Jesus by Their Spirit!
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