How to Walk : THE Walk of Faith


Well-known member
Here is how you walk the walk of faith.

Paul said...... "Christ always gives me the Victory".

Paul teaches...""i can do all things through Christ, which strengthens me".

Paul said.."I die daily".

Paul teaches.. " I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.""""

See all that? See those verses? They are all the same thing, believer.

They are all...."i stopped trying to DO Christianity, and learned how to rest in God's Grace that is my POWER, my Spiritual Strength, and my total deliverance from the bondage to SELF effort that is the opposite of walking IN the Spirit.

A.) That is the walk of Faith.
That is to stop trying to DO Christianity, as if its a Job, and instead REST from trying to BE good, as if this is Christianity.


Christianity is God and Christ Joined to you, and you in them, for eternity.
That's it.
To be "born again" is CHRISTianity.
And notice that you dont DO THAT?
You receive it.

Now, what about DISCIPLESHIP?

What is that really?
That is God in you, as "Christ in You" as You become the "temple of the Holy Spirit".
Discipleship is God empowering you, from the inside, to manifest Himself as your LIFESTYLE and MIND.
You can't do that.. He does that, through You.
Discipleship, is God's Spirit that is in you, empowering you to exit there.
That is "I die daily" so that GOD LIVES IN ME as "Christ always gives me the VICTORY" over the world, the flesh, and the devil.


What is the FRUIT of this : "strengthened with HIS MIGHT, in the INNER MAN"?
What is the FRUIT of "Strengthened with all spiritual MIGHT, according to God's glorious POWER"?

What does that PRODUCE IN YOU and Through YOU?

What is this exactly...that we are to become on earth,= that Paul teaches as : "The fullness of the Stature of Christ".. ?????

Its this Believer.

= "being Fruitful in every GOOD work"..

But even more... you will become this, by God's GRACE.

A.) "Unto all Patience and long-suffering WITH JOY...

See that?
That is you as the finished Product, on earth.
That is you when you have "finished your course".
That is a MATURE Christian.

God bless you to get there, and keep you there.
"Jesus is the author and finisher, of our faith"., and its God Himself who will be faithful to complete our Salvation.

Philippians 1:6

Salvation is beautiful Love, as all of it comes from God.
It has to, as Only God can meet God's own Requirements for Righteousness.
We can't meet them, as "all have sinned"... So, God became Christ on the Cross who fulfilled the law, and became the New Covenant, as the Blood Atonement.
Jesus is Salvation, Redemption, Sanctification, Eternal Life, The Resurrection, and "the Gift of Righteousness".
Jesus refers to Himself, as "the WAY" and "no person comes to the Father but by me".... (not by water).

The Cross is the eternal bridge that leads to eternal life.
Noah's ark was a symbol of the Cross, as the Ark is the safety and security against : JUDGEMENT.

We are in the "ark", which is the Cross.
And Reader, have you messed up? Have you fallen before?
Well, here is the good news for you if you are born again..... If you do, you fall in the Ark. "In Christ"... always.

The born again are "passed from death to LIFE", from Judgement to Grace, and from Darkness to Light"

This is to be born again..... Having become "One with God" "made free from sin"... having eternally become "the righteousness of God, in Christ".

Welcome to : Salvation
Its a Gift from God.
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