I think there's many ways one can talk about this. Let's deal with a clear fact though that Jesus stated,
"He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him. Jn 14:21
Now that's the gold standard of truth. God said I will manifest myself to the person who loves me. He does do this and will do this. and God can't lie. So it comes back to us....what are we doing? Are we really loving him and seeking him with all of our hearts in a diligent fashion Many people are quick to say they have but God did not responds. So what's wrong with God we reason.....there's just absolutely no way that I could be wrong right?
It makes me think of a parent who tells their offspring do the dishes. They come back and look over the work they did and exclaim you didn't wash the dishes right....the kid counters and claims YES they did but the parent makes it clear Not in the way they find acceptable. There's 'still food marks all over the plates now get back and do them again and do it right.
Perhaps more tips for those who feel they've sought God but he hasn't responded.
There are many questions I could ask such a one. First what exactly does seeking God mean to them? With some their claim that they sought God might be that they go to a church building once a week. It could mean that they make sure they say grace now for their meals. It could mean that they read a two paragraph devotional once a day.....which takes 3 minutes....and yet they'll spend a great many hours a day on worldly distractions. By asking questions you can see with what intensity they really have sought God and find if their claim they have done so really genuine.
They may be sincere in thinking what they've done should be considered good enough but God could be looking at them knowing they've given him really nothing of their day. I do appreciate some have to work and raise a family and there isn't always much time but God knows what time one does have extra. What does he get?
Perhaps more tips for those who feel they've sought God but he hasn't responded.
There are many questions I could ask such a one. First what exactly does seeking God mean to them? With some their claim that they sought God might be that they go to a church building once a week. It could mean that they make sure they say grace now for their meals. It could mean that they read a two paragraph devotional once a day.....which takes 3 minutes....and yet they'll spend a great many hours a day on worldly distractions. By asking questions you can see with what intensity they really have sought God and find if their claim they have done so really genuine.
They may be sincere in thinking what they've done should be considered good enough but God could be looking at them knowing they've given him really nothing of their day. I do appreciate some have to work and raise a family and there isn't always much time but God knows what time one does have extra. What does he get?
Yes there are so many variables and the bottom line is we don't know the heart of another person. This is illustrated so well with Jesus and the rich young ruler. He had everyone fooled except Jesus.
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