David Koberstein
Active member
And this is the story of God's hidden wisdom. It is not found in the difficult texts of the Zohar or in the Bible numerics like Gematria and
Notarikon. and it is not found in the deepest philosophical treatises or the most complex thinkers.
Instead, it is found in a Jewish carpenter who grew up in an obscure village called Nazareth and never traveled more than fifty miles from
where he was born, a Jew who suffered the most ignominious execution known to man, hanging naked on a cross with his flesh torn apart
by whips and his hands and feet pierced with nails, slowly suffocating to death while every muscle screamed in pain, all while being mocked
and ridiculed by the few who bothered to watch him die. And there, in that Jewish man hanging on a cross, was hidden the greatest treasure
of all. In him----Jesus-Yeshua, the rejected Messiah---"are hidden all the measures of wisdom and knowledge" (Col. 2:3). Yes, "all the treasures
of wisdom and knowledge." Who expected to find such treasures there? They were hidden in plain sight!
In fact, God's very glory and power is hidden in this Jewish carpenter from Nazareth, of whom Paul could say that "all the fullness of the Deity
lives in [him in] bodily form" (Col 2:9). And when we discover Jesus-Yeshua for all he is, we discover God himself. And when we make that
discovery, nothing else matters. We have found the very meaning of life.
Do you understand these words, spoken by the master Teacher two thousand years ago? "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in
a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field, Again, the kingdom of heaven
is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it" (Matt 13:44-46)
Israel's hidden Messiah has been revealed. Losing everything to gain him is the greatest gain of all.
Notarikon. and it is not found in the deepest philosophical treatises or the most complex thinkers.
Instead, it is found in a Jewish carpenter who grew up in an obscure village called Nazareth and never traveled more than fifty miles from
where he was born, a Jew who suffered the most ignominious execution known to man, hanging naked on a cross with his flesh torn apart
by whips and his hands and feet pierced with nails, slowly suffocating to death while every muscle screamed in pain, all while being mocked
and ridiculed by the few who bothered to watch him die. And there, in that Jewish man hanging on a cross, was hidden the greatest treasure
of all. In him----Jesus-Yeshua, the rejected Messiah---"are hidden all the measures of wisdom and knowledge" (Col. 2:3). Yes, "all the treasures
of wisdom and knowledge." Who expected to find such treasures there? They were hidden in plain sight!
In fact, God's very glory and power is hidden in this Jewish carpenter from Nazareth, of whom Paul could say that "all the fullness of the Deity
lives in [him in] bodily form" (Col 2:9). And when we discover Jesus-Yeshua for all he is, we discover God himself. And when we make that
discovery, nothing else matters. We have found the very meaning of life.
Do you understand these words, spoken by the master Teacher two thousand years ago? "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in
a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field, Again, the kingdom of heaven
is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it" (Matt 13:44-46)
Israel's hidden Messiah has been revealed. Losing everything to gain him is the greatest gain of all.