Fish & the Messianic Kingdom


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Fish is one of the healthiest foods you can eat. It's packed with low-fat, high quality protein and
vitamins such as D and B2. It's also an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids and other nutrients
that help keep our hearts and brains healthy. And it tastes delectable! there's nothing like sitting
down for a perfectly prepared fillet of salmon or tilapia, maybe a nice strip of bass or trout.

Fish also connects to the messianic Kingdom. In Jewish tradition, one of the main foods that will
be served at the messianic banquet (Olam Ha-Ba, the world to come) is fish. More specifically,
Jewish tradition teaches that the great sea creature called the Leviathan will be eaten in the
messianic era. Fish is traditionally eaten on Shabbat because it points to the messianic Kingdom,
Shabbat is meant to be a taste of the messianic age. When we eat fish, it reminds us that we're
going to eat fish at the wedding banquet of the Lamb (Rev. 19: 6-9).
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