1 Samuel Notes


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Author of this book is unknown. After 1011 BC. The period was one of tranisiton - the rule of the Judges ended and the kingdom was established. The purpose was of the founding of the Hebrew monarchy. Written to the nation of Israel. Main themes, include the career of Samuel, the last of the judges and God's appointed kingmaker, including the career of Saul, the first king of israel who also became the tyrant ,and the anointed of David, Israel's versatile King. The key word throughout the narratie is King. Some key verses of 1 Samuel are found in chapter 8 verses 7 through 8 and also 15 verse 22.

Leading topics and events that are included are,

1. The birth and deidcation of Samuel, 1.
2. The failure of Eli as judge an parent, 2:12-36
3. Sameul's call and remarkable boyhood, 3.
4. The capture and return of the ark of the covenant of the LORD chapters 4 to 6.
5. The defeat of te philsintes through the prayer of Samuel, chapter 7.
6. The calmer of Israel for a King, 8.
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